Reimagining Retirement: How Will You Fill The 40-Hour Gap?

Reimagining Retirement: How Will You Fill The 40-Hour Gap?

By Bryan Trugman, CFPⓇ Retirement means different things to different people. The data tell us that people are living longer and that 65 is the new 50. The next phase of life and retirement, we hope, can last another 20 to 30 years. We can only assume that people have...

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What I Learned About Money From My Parents

What I Learned About Money From My Parents

By Bryan Trugman, CFPⓇ I had the advantage of growing up with a financial planner for a father who gave me some “tough love” about managing money. I have to admit that I did not particularly enjoy learning many of these lessons at the time! But in hindsight, I’m...

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How To Minimize Capital Gains Tax

How To Minimize Capital Gains Tax

By Bryan Trugman, CFPⓇ Capital gains tax is a subject that comes up often when evaluating different financial assets. Capital gains can come into play with various types of investments, and there are often strategies that can help to alleviate the resulting tax...

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Why I Became A Financial Advisor

Why I Became A Financial Advisor

By Bryan Trugman, CFPⓇ Even from a young age, I loved math, which led me down the engineering path in college. My father was a financial advisor, so I had the opportunity early on to learn about money and see how financial decisions are the “common denominator” that...

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