By Bryan Trugman, CFP

The forties are an exciting chapter of life. New doors start to open as the fruits of our earlier efforts begin paying off. We may earn more and enjoy more recognition for our work. At the same time, turning 40 can serve as a rude awakening when we realize how quickly the years flew by. Here, I will outline three decisions that I have most often seen people delaying for too long and consequently missing out on opportunities to enjoy a more fulfilling life.

1. Prepare for Retirement

Before we turn 40, it can be tempting to think you have plenty of time to worry about retirement later. Many times, people are forced to stop working much earlier in life due to unexpected illness, injury, or other changes in life circumstances beyond their ability to predict or control. The earlier you begin implementing a retirement strategy, the better the options you will have. In any case, you aren’t going to be able to work forever, and you will need income after you are no longer working. When you look at the math of compounded returns, delaying is the most expensive mistake you can make. You just need to make the time and do it.

2. Ask for Help

During your twenties and thirties, it can feel logical to try to figure things out on your own as you strive to gain independence. After age 40, you tend to value your time more and recognize the value of delegation. You can pay someone to mow your lawn and clean your house so you can use the time and energy to do your best work. More importantly, we all need to get in the habit of consulting experts in their respective fields. Highly successful people don’t rely on their own thinking; they know who to call for each type of problem. The sooner you ask for help, the faster you will find the resources you need.

3. Start Now

Successful people cultivate a sense of urgency early in life. Do you want to travel the world? Do you have an idea for a business venture? Do you want to learn the guitar or train for an ultra-marathon? Do you keep telling yourself you’ll do these things “someday”? Are you waiting for work to settle down a bit, for the kids to get older, or for some other external condition to change? Waiting will only result in lost opportunities, and your goals won’t get any easier to pursue. Challenge yourself to think about the question of how you could take the first concrete step today. Sometimes the first step is to ask for help.

We’re Here to Help

Every stage of life comes with new lessons and new challenges. Sometimes putting the right financial habits in place can make a difference in more ways than people realize. My role as a financial planner is about more than money. I enjoy helping people learn new ways to think about creating quality of life both now and in the future. If you have goals and aspirations you aren’t sure how to achieve and would like to explore how we can work together, let’s get some time on the calendar. Reach out to me via email at or give me a call at (516) 762-7603.

About Bryan

Bryan Trugman is managing partner, co-founder, and a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ practitioner at Attitude Financial Advisors. With more than 13 years of experience, Bryan specializes in addressing the financial needs of new parents as they seek to realign their finances, assisting divorced individuals as they navigate an unforeseen fork in the road, and strategizing with those seeking to accrue a dependable retirement nest egg. Bryan is known for being a good listener and building strong relationships with his clients so he can help them develop a customized financial plan based on what’s important to them. He is passionate about helping his clients experience financial confidence so they can worry less and play more. Bryan has a bachelor’s degree in industrial and systems engineering with a minor in mathematics from State University of New York at Binghamton. He has served on the board of the Financial Planning Association and continues to be actively involved in the national organization. He is also a member of the Plainview-Old Bethpage Chamber of Commerce and has served as its vice president and as a board member. When he’s not working, you can find Bryan on the ballroom dance floor or engaged in a fast-paced game of doubles on the tennis court. To learn more about Bryan, connect with him on LinkedIn.

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Financial Advisors in Plainview, NY